The importance of professional staff photos is often overlooked and for some businesses it's simply an unnecessary expense. The truth is a good photo can change someone's perception of an individual/business, make you look capable, approachable or even trustworthy. Not to say you aren't all those things, but a poor photo definitely does not put your best foot forward. Coppercoast is primarily a brand design agency so we regularly come across clients where one of their biggest downfalls in corporate branding is to have a professional looking brochure only to be accompanied with bad product or staff photos. This definitely impacts on the aesthetic of the whole brand.
Most clients will send us photos taken on their mobile phones and while some of the new smart phones are capable of taking great quality images, there are still major limiting factors when taking this approach. Photographers study for years mastering their craft, and most clients aren't aware of what goes into producing a quality portrait photo, and why would they be, we don't have time to master everything.
It's one small detail that can have a big effect on how people see you or your business
Here are some of the things a professional photographer will consider when taking portraits:
Composition - how much of the person are we seeing
Pose - how is the person standing/looking
Focal length - lens choice and distance from subject
Lighting - how we shape the portrait with light
Available light in the room - how natural light effects studio lighting
Depth of field - how much of the face is in-focus
The final edit - how will the photo look after it's edited
Example of the typical kind of photos we receive from clients vs a professionally taken photo.
(All photos unedited)

Photographing your staff may seem like a big job, but in actual fact it's something that can happen fairly quickly. Most of the time photographers can even come to your offices to take the photos. We've been able to photograph up to 30 people in one day. What's nice is these photos can then be used for other collateral like brochure publications, press releases social media profiles etc...
The same rules apply to photography required for events, products, work space or other corporate lifestyle that is often required. Take a time to browse some recent shoots on these links provided to get an idea of what could be possible for your brand!
We would love to read your thoughts on this, so please leave a comment below alternatively feel free to contact us if you would like more information on how we could help you in your business.